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'Fun Facts' About Romanians

So...the #truth is we #Romanians aren't really big #patriots.

Unlike most other #countries, we are not #proud of #where we're #born. Because of quite a few individuals, all of us have a bad #reputation all over #Europe, and most of us are embarrassed when we're #abroad and people ask us a simple question: so...where are you from?

Moreover, we are also embarrassed by each other, and when we're #traveling and we see other Romanians around, instead of being happy and starting up a conversation with them, we start talking in English so they wouldn't notice we're also Romanians 😂

Important note here: I'm not saying all of us do the same, but this is the spirit in which I was raised, believing the same thing that all the other people believe about us all: avoid Romanians, they are not to be trusted. What a terrible thing to believe in and to feel...

And then we live in that attitude of rejecting our #roots, our #country, our #language, our #culture, and our #compatriots, and all the while embracing other values...American, British, Spanish, German, Danish, Italian...depending on preferences, but also greatly on where we choose to relocate.

Did you know? Romania's population is decreasing by 5 Romanians every HOUR! In fact, we're second in the world in the emigration rates, right after Siria 😐

National Christmas
Christmas decorations in Romanian flag colors

...But this year is different, we celebrated #100 years since the Great Union of the Romanian Principalities which made up Romania as it is today. So we have #flags everywhere, Christmas trees in the #national #colors, and in #Brasov they even adapted the city name sign to the occasion.

I would call this a great #hypocrisy, but maybe it's a sign of #hope... And, on this note, La multi ani, Romania!

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