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my journey with human design

I've only recently discovered Human Design, but to me it was a revelation which instantly turned into a passion...


What is Human Design?


Also called ‘the Science of Differentiation’, Human Design is a complex system which combines spirituality with science, bringing together the principles of the four great esoteric systems of the world – the Chinese I’Ching, the Hindu 'chakra' system, the  Judaic Kabbalah, and astrology – with the latest scientific discoveries – quantum physics, biochemistry (genetics), and astronomy (astrophysics) – , creating a unique synthesis.

Human Design Chart and Properties.png

The BodyGraph is incredibly revealing. You can see my own personal BodyGraph in the picture above, as an example. If you understand some of the terms and meanings of what you can see there, then you are able to see the clearest reflection of a person. It is a mirror of your soul, energy, and life purpose...


What does it show you?


A surprisingly specific and accurate insight into your unique energy imprint.


Also, it provides you with a map that shows you exactly how you are designed to operate in the world!



...Enough to get your attention? I might be able to help you out here. Since I've discovered Human Design, I've naturally been very drawn to this science, which I view more as an art of living. The charts speak to me and it comes easy for me to understand the hidden messages they whisper. I would be more than happy to help you understand your BodyGraph, delve into the wonder that is you, and point to you the most important lessons, while giving you the keys to the beautiful life you were meant to live.


However, this is a rather new endeavor for me, and I really want to make sure that as soon as the service is available I will be able to deliver the best results possible for all of my customers. This is why I will only be offering the Human Design readings starting next year (2019).


But don't feel discouraged! If you'd like, you have the option to Pre-Order Your Reading right now and get a 20% DISCOUNT, and as soon as I am able to answer your request I will be sure to contact you personally and let you know! Of course, if you change your mind and decide you do not wish to wait after all, you are welcome to cancel your request at any time. No strings attached!


Thank you for your support and I am looking forward to guiding you towards the path of your most joy, happiness, love and success!!!







To sum it all up...

Simply put, what Human Design does it teach you exactly how to make the best decisions as your true self.



‘We have all of these mental stories about how we cannot be ourselves. Just simply understanding how you are hardwired is so helpful. We are not designed to be alike!’

– Ra Uru Hu

my new youtube channel

Hello, wonderful beings of love and light!


Welcome to My Channel!

My name is Andreea Vint, and I am here to empower people by guiding them back to their true magical essence.









What It's All About...


On this channel I will be talking about:


Human Design: what it is, what it can do, how you can understand it and benefit from it;


Ayahuasca and other Ancestral Plant Medicines (including Bufo Alvarius, Kambo, and Yopo): my personal experiences, recommendations, as well as interviews with participants in the retreats I am assisting in;


• The LOA (any Abraham Hicks fans here?)


Also, I will be providing various techniques, tips, strategies and tools which you can start implementing immediately, so you can start living the happy, beautiful life you deserve!


If any of these things interest you, I invite you to Subscribe to my channel and push the Bell Icon so you will be notified when I post new videos. Thank you so much for being here!

Support me & SUBSCRIBE now! Thank you all so much!

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